Brain Injury :

from surviving to THRIVING

Brain Injury : from surviving to THRIVING

in 6 weeks

You have suffered a stroke, TBI, aneurism or tumour and already beaten the odds by recovering to the point you are at today.  Perhaps you have been through therapy, and you’ve made a strong recovery. Things are still hard, but you are doing so well that the average onlooker wouldn’t know you have an invisible disability. The people around you are always telling you how much better you’re doing these days as they can see a real difference since your improvement. It’s taken a lot of time and effort to get you here, and you’ve done a great job. 

Do you just feel like something is missing? Everyone says you’re doing great and you should be thankful, and you are, BUT……..

Well, what if I told you that you don’t have to settle for the way you feel?…….. 

And wouldn’t it great if you knew about how to get your emotions back under control? 

To not be so tearful or lose your rag at things that would have been like water off a ducks back to you before?

What if you could rebuild your relationships by being able to handle difficult conversations better?

You have got the key to your happiness and you don’t have to wait for anyone’s permission to unlock it!

I know it is possible because I've been through it and can share with you how I did it.

Michelle Munt - TBI survivor & caregiver, turned brain injury life coach

A car accident in December 2014 left me with a serious TBI called diffuse axonal. I honestly didn’t even understand what that really meant. Quickly I went about relearning how to walk and talk, and then attempted to throw myself back into work.

What a mistake that was, or so it felt at the time. It highlighted issues that I hadn’t had the insight to be able to acknowledge before. It became clear that I was not even close to ready to return to work, and suddenly I wondered if I ever would be…… so I quit.

I thought I was just giving up my job, but it was more important than that….

I wasn’t just giving up my income and career, I was giving up my identity! That’s when I lost faith in myself as I had no purpose. Who was I any more? What was the point of me?

I found myself on a  downward spiral. My mother had died days after my accident, so I didn’t even have her shoulder to lean on. Within a few months my dad was diagnosed with Alzheimer’s and I realised I had to try to pull myself together for him. But I don’t mean just “put on the stiff upper lip.” I knew that helping dad through this degenerative condition meant he needed the best version of me. 

It was time for me to launch a fight back against the life this brain injury thought it had control of…..

I still had cognitive struggles, but I needed to be resilient and BELIEVE IN ME. There was no time to spare, I had to find me again, quick…..

I learned the hard way how to get through this. It was a struggle to find the right help. I just wanted someone to tell me what to do. But even though there were plenty of tears and extremely dark moments, I made it. Now I want others to have the help I found it so difficult to access, that’s why I have become a brain injury life coach and developed this course. 

Don't believe everything you think

Your brain is on high alert, and it's difficult to see anything other than worse case scenario.

I always found it difficult to ask for help when I really needed it. Some people might call that ego, I thought of it as pride. But following my brain injury my world had turned upside down and I didn’t know how to get back on track. Besides, when everyone thought I was doing so well it made it even harder to admit where I really was.

The cool, level headed, self-assured woman was gone. In her place was a feeble girl who was convinced everyone thought was odd because she couldn’t think of the right words, and got easily confused.

I hated my life. Some people didn’t know how to handle me and so they drifted away. Others still made the effort but I was hiding as I didn’t want them to see how pathetic I was.

But there was something important that I hadn't considered

I had always had good common sense that had served me well through life. Therefore I was used to following my instincts, gut, sixth sense… whatever you want to call it. 

However I hadn’t taken account of how my brain was on red alert. I’d been through a major trauma, and the first job of anyone’s brain is self preservation. So it was constantly trying to get me away from any risks. Thus the hiding, constantly assuming the worst of everything and jumping a mile high at almost any noise with anxiety that I’d never experienced before.

A brain injury puts your brain on


but you can show it that it can relax......

I know because I've done it.

I have some Exciting news for you

I'm revealing how in just 6 weeks you can excel!

During this self study program you will learn:

  • How to set your goals that will lead to your happiness.
  • Identify what is holding you back and how to become unstuck.
  • How to stop feeling so stressed and anxious.
  • Banish your inner critic who always leaves you second guessing yourself.
  • The secret to creating a calm environment when others aren’t.
  • The steps you need to take to rewire your brain using basic neuroplasticity.
Brain injury from surviving to thriving by Brain injury life coach, Michelle,

This is the next chapter of Your Journey

You will get lifetime access to all 6 videos explaining what you need to focus on next to take you to the next level.

This process will empower you to take back the control in your life from your brain injury. 

Your brain injury doesn’t need to continue to ruin those important relationships.

You can start TODAY in this Brain injury, from surviving to thriving 6 weeks course!

Here's what other survivors liked best about the
Brain injury from surviving to thriving 6 weeks course:

I greatly enjoyed this course! Michelle used many concise and thought provoking methods that helped me move past negative thinking while implementing a positive mindset. Week 4 especially helped me gain back control of my own mind by opening up my eyes to see how easily I default to unhealthy worry, and false conclusions which in my past was a big struggle for me. I plan on referring back to the notes I took many times in the future and feel fully confident to move forward in my brain injury healing with the powerful insights I gained from this course. I strongly encourage other TBI survivors to invest in Michelle's course as it has broadened my thinking to focus on the things I can change in my life for the good!
Vivian Joy
TBI survivor
I liked how I learned you are not a mind reader. I think Vision Boards Are Important. It's important to learn about toxic relationships. I was the one that needed to learn it, even though I thought I would never have to learn that. Think again!! I have learned you get away from it. It hurts so badly. But instead of ignoring it, I wish I would have listened. Where inner peace comes in!!! I really did learn a lot. Also how Important it is to really soul search.
Emily Annis
Stroke survivor & Founder of Emily's corner

Plus you get this

Printable 4 page self help guide on how you can make simple health and lifestyle changes  to improve your mental health. Complementary with your Brain injury, from surviving to thriving 6 weeks course.

Special social lockdown price!

We all need to put some focus into our self-care during these unprecedented times. That’s why I have slashed the price to its lowest ever level. When we get through this pandemic, I want you to be able to emerge fighting but smiling!

Was $67, now just $50

This price will be available a limited time whilst we are still social distancing to slow the spread of covid-19. 


Get this weekly guide that you can work through at your own pace for just $50 !
Even if you struggle to remember these essential tips, don't worry you can play them over and over again as many times as you want. With lifetime access there's no time limit.

Take your brain injury recovery journey to the next level and start enjoying life again___
Has a brain injury robbed you of your self confidence_ Let's change that, and get it back ___

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