5 steps to confidence

Other blogs to watch...

Other places where you can find my guest blogs,
plus some further recommendations of blogs from inspirational writers.

Other blogs to watch

Michelle Munt's regular column with CFG Law

My own experience showed me how there are still so many gaps in the care that brain injury survivors are offered. The NHS are brilliant at saving lives and pulling out all the stops for patients and they should be celebrated for that. But there is a disconnect with what happens next. Many, like me, get next to nothing once sent home, and are left confused about what to do.

CFG Law are committed to helping that issue become a thing of the past. Not just for clients who hire them for their legal services, but everyone. Rather than working against the NHS by suing them, taking precious funds away from where they are needed, they work with them by sharing their research so better practices can be designed and implemented for all future patients. They build strong relationships with the teams who are delivering the care so that together they can find workable solutions. As I am committed to helping other survivors and their families, this approach is really important to me and I want to support them in their quest.  Check out my articles here.

Set up in 2007, Independence Found Ltd is committed to supporting with disabilities to regain their independence by using creative solutions and therapies. It’s a growing UK based company who are making a real difference to their clients lives. I have joined them as a guest blogger where I share my insight on brain injury. You can find my articles here.

The invisible hypothyroidism

I have written about how since my brain injury I have suffered with hypothyroidism. However, I first started to have problems with my thyroid when I was a kid and this is a post I wrote for award winning thyroid patient advocate, Rachel Hill. Here I beg doctors to stop dismissing patients as “only borderline”. Drop by and read it here.

bitp - Brain Injury Touchpoint

The pandemic of 2020 has affected everyone, and my thoughts go out to those who have lost loved ones to the virus Covid-19.  That’s why when the charity Brain injury Touchpoint, invited me to highlight how the pandemic has affected brain injury survivors I felt it was an important topic to cover. I wrote this article and recorded a video of me reading it out too. You can see both here.

The brain injury charity

A common thread I have seen with many brain injury survivors is how their confidence and self image crumble after their injury. I completely understand and relate to this as the same thing happened to me. That’s why I wrote this simple plan for The brain injury injury, to help them start to build their confidence: How to rebuild your self-esteem after a brain injury.

BMJ blogs- Evidence based nursing

I was invited to give some insight for nurses when they are looking after brain injury patients. They do a fantastic job, but are always eager to learn more and continue to offer the best care. That’s why I wrote this piece, “Unexpected advice from a brain injury survivor for nurses caring for us”, which may have given them a few more things to consider when they deal with brain injury patients.

Headway UK - The Brain injury association

My article of the brain injury charity, Headway.

Headway were inspired by the original title of my blog, “No memory of the day that changed my life”, and asked me to write an article for them about how I feel about not remembering the event that caused my brain injury….. and ultimately my life.

Headway are the charity who supported me when the Doctors where running out of answers to give me. So I owe an awful lot to Headway for where I am now. I knew early on I wanted to raise awareness about this type of injury and how it affects people. But I’m not sure I would have ever had the confidence if it wasn’t for their support. So I wrote for The new me and my Jumbledbrain blog to explain for my journey to blogging came about.

Strokefocus podcast - The hand in hand show

In November 2017 I had the opportunity to be interviewed for a podcast radio show with Cam Compton. As a stroke survivor herself she understands how your life can change in an instant, and is able to ask the questions which really help brain injury survivors open up and describe their experience.

Welldoing.org - An independent counselling and psychotherapy directory and information resource

As brain injuries often lead to mental health issues, Welldoing.org wanted me to highlight in importance of the right therapist who you. Read about how even though I’m stubborn, giving in and letting someone in was the best thing I could have done – What saved me from depression after brain injury 

Maddy at home - A home from home online for seniors

Maddy at home a really useful site written by Maddy, who like me is from the UK, but unlike me she is now in the sunnier climbs of Australia.  She writes about life for senior citizens. Maddy offers useful advice to them and their families on how to cope with a range of issues.

How I lost my Mum and I'm slowly losing my Dad to Alzheimer's, but my brain injury experience is proving to be useful

I wrote a post for her, Alzheimer’s at a distance where I explain how since my brain injury I have been trying to support my Dad with his wish to remain at home. Fortunately Dad set me up as his power of attorney for his health and well being as well as his finances. Something not many of us think about. But when you’re suffering with a degenerative brain condition it can make all the difference.

The Children's Trust - Brain Injury Hub - For children with brain injury

Brain Injury Hub is a UK charity for support families of children who have suffered a brain injury. Their site as a wealth of information to better explain how families can help their children move forward after a brain injury.

My post You are only one decision away from a totally different life I wrote for them expressing the shock of going through a life changing event. But I wanted young people and their loved ones to know there is light at the end of the tunnel.

My blog for the Brain Injury Hub about how you should never give up

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