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Brain injury blog by survivor

Brain injury blog by survivor



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Brain injury blog by survivor

Brain injury blog by survivor



Now that I have accepted that my life has changed, my goals have too. My career used to be so important to me, but as I never know what to expect of myself each day, I can’t decide what I would like to do.

But actually I now understand that although a career is important, there are things that are priceless that I was taking for granted. I’ve realised that I should consider myself lucky.

Many of us have encountered hard times. Whether that’s a disappointing exam result, the loss of a loved one, or having to battle an illness or injury, just to name a few. But we learn so much from those experiences, and it is possible to put that to good use.

When we have suffered ourselves we are able to empathise more for others. That makes us better listeners, and that is a gift. Think of the times you have wanted to talk to someone about how you are feeling. It’s not that you expect them to magic away the pain, or even to have an easy solution, but just to be heard, and maybe have a hug.

You might say I'm lucky to have survived my brain injury. Actually it's opened my eyes to something else that makes me feel lucky. I've got a chance to find my calling.....
You might say I'm lucky to have survived my brain injury. Actually it's opened my eyes to that makes me feel lucky. I've got a chance to find my calling....

To know someone is there for you is such a powerful thing.

So yes I am lucky to have survived my accident, and to have a roof over my head but but I knew that already. But now I can see, even if it’s in some small way, I have grown as a person and can offer something to others.

People still ask me if I have returned to work yet. That causes a twinge inside me when I say no, and then try to justify why. But that’s just because we are people who are hard working, want to earn their own livings and be a part of society.

But what if your calling is bigger than joining the rat race?

As humans we are one of the most adaptable species to call Earth our home. We have survived ice ages, and have gone from early cave man, to who we are today. But the journey doesn’t stop there. You never know each day who you are going to meet and how you might be able to help them.

Iraq and Afghanistan veteran Darren DeMarco probably thought his change of career to become a lorry driver meant his experience of dealing with emergency situations wouldn’t be used again for a long time. Until recently, when he witnessed an accident and saw a woman stuck in her overturned car. He knew he could help. He used his lorry to block the 3 lanes of the M1 they were travelling on, and helped her out. Other motorists were angry that they couldn’t pass, but Darren knew that wasn’t important. He had helped injured colleagues in dangerous situations before.  So he realised the faster someone acts, the better the prospects for the victim.

Read more:

So just because we might find we have changed direction, perhaps that is for a reason. I’m sure that lady was glad Darren was driving that lorry that day.

I’m beginning to think that perhaps I could use my career of direction as my next career. Read how in Next chapter after brain injury, am I in it now?


I'm lucky because I know I have helped some by being that listening ear. How have you been able to put your bad experience to good use?


4 replies on “Lucky: Confessions of a brain injury survivor”

This is quite correct in that most skills & knowledge is transferable to different situations if we can avoid fixidity.
I do like the quote ref the glass being refillable as this tends to indicate precisely what I have had to do to my knowledge base since my injury.

Thanks Richard, I had only seen it as a positive quote, but you’re absolutely right that it describes knowledge too.

Excellent post! It would be very easy to just be constantly overwhelmed by the life change of a brain injury, in my case a tumour and major brain surgery. But we can’t live in that state of mind. Yes my identity has changed, I am slower, more emotional most of the time, all those things a brain injury can bring. But I am also free, free from being a people pleaser, always feeling I have to do more, the fast paced life which can overlook how blessed we really are and all that I have is what I need. Great how you have changed your perspective on how horrible a brain injury can be, too how we can use this experience to be a better person, to help others. Someone needs to hear your story, your recovery, it just may be the words they need to hear, to make it. Thank you, your story has been a great encouragement and insight into my journey, now it is not as lonely . ?

I like to believe that things happen for a reason, and I think I am lucky enough to have found the reason this time.

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