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Brain injury blog by survivor

Brain injury blog by survivor



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Brain injury blog by survivor

Brain injury blog by survivor



When my brain injury first happened I don’t think I was capable of finding anything remotely funny. But 2 years on things have changed. Now I can find myself laughing like it’s the funniest thing ever!

I quite like this phase, I hope it stays.

I always had a sense of humour, but I was probably a bit dry. Alongside that I’m very responsible and perhaps more serious than necessary at times. But that can make life boring and more like a chore. Where as laughing is so much fun, even if I do come across as slightly mad.

Number 1 source of my laughter.

Honestly one of the funniest things in life right now is my cat Dexter. I find him absolutely hilarious! He’s a menace but his face is so innocent. One day my partner James was watching a video on YouTube and the most hideous but mental tune was playing as the backing. When I started complaining about how awful and confusing the noise was James retorted with “This is what Dexters’ head sound like!”

Well that was it. I was laughing so much I was crying. The joke has continued now so every time Dexter gets over excited we do impressions of what his head sounds like in that moment. You have to be there to get it…. or maybe it’s not that funny, it’s just this phase I’m in.

But then the mood swing happens.

Unfortunately once the moment has passed I’m felt feeling a bit like I’ve got nothing more to give. I’m awake but I can’t easily sting a cogent thought together. So I appear quiet and moody. James often asks if I still like him because it can be so confusing to see me fall into silence after being so animated. I guess it’s like everything else that over stimulates me. My brain suddenly realises it used up a lot of energy very quickly, and wants to hibernate. But whilst that feeling is quite odd, I would rather that than just the total, grey, middle of the road, life I was experiencing. You can read more about my mood swings in Danger! Hot temper after brain injury.

The benefits of laughter on your health.

The old saying “Laughter is the best medicine”, has a lot of truth in it. As well as you having fun in that moment, there are longer term benefits too. By reducing 4 types of stress hormones in the brain and releasing endorphins, your overall mental health can improve.

Research also suggests that laughing more can contribute to living longer. This could be helped by the fact that it boosts your immune system, so you are able to deal with viruses like flu better. On top of this it is such fun exercise! A real belly laugh uses your diaphragm, abs and shoulders, as well as giving the heart something to get going about.  If I had to choose between 15 minutes on an exercise bike, or laughing 100 times, I know which I would choose. They both burn the same amount of calories, but I admit your face might hurt from laughing too much.

What things do you find yourself laughing at? Or do you find it difficult to have natural reactions?


3 replies on “Laughing in the face of brain injury”

I was in an auto accident which resulted in brain impairments and a loss of my career. Insomnia and migraines are part of the parcel. Then there is the fight with the auto insurer to get benefits. They pay initially but the moment they think it’s long term, most of us end up having to fight for IRBs and treatment. This number’s game with profit rather than the claimant being the driving force led me to write a book to help claimants and to expose the underhanded tactics insurers use. See Our government insurance regulator, FSCO, just ordered a copy after the book was mentioned last week in the National Post.
On another note, Dr. Fred Kahn has a clinic in Etobicoke called Meditech and has another clinic in Toronto. He successfully treats brain injuries with his cold laser bioflex laser therapy. He has been highly touted by Dr. Norman Doidge with 29 pages talking about Dr. Kahn in Doidge’s latest book, “The Brain that Heals Itself”.

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